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4 Paws Remedy

Dog Therapy and Behaviour Training

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About us

4 Paws Remedy was established to aid adopted rescue dogs transition from the shelter environment into a new home with a loving family. But that's not all that there is to this organisation... 
We also:

  • Help dogs who struggle with behaviour problems such as separation anxiety and resource guarding. 

  • Hold basic obedience training sessions for owners and their dogs. 

  • Provide snake and bait aversion training sessions.

  • Provide Pre-Puppy Programs where first time puppy owners, young children and people with disabilities learn the basics of training and caring for a puppy before they bring one home.  

As we progress we will be able to provide dog owners and their furry companions with more upcoming services such as therapy dog training and so on. 



Basic Obedience Training

Basic Obedience Training sessions where the owner learns positive reinforced techniques to train their dog to respond reliably to actions and commands. This involves Classical Conditioning using positive reinforcement and clicker training. 

Duration: 1 Hour 
Location: We come to you 
Cost: $70 per session 

Behaviour Consultation

A session where dogs are assessed based on their behaviour to identify their needs. If required, appropriate intervention strategies will be developed to modify inappropriate behaviour in the form of a Training Plan. 


Duration: 1 Hour 
Location: We come to you 
Cost: $100 per consultation

Behaviour Modification Training

A session where dogs with identified behaviour problems are trained to show alternative behaviour in the place of their current inappropriate behaviour according to a customised Behaviour Modification Plan. 

Duration: 1 Hour 
Location: We come to you 
Cost: $70 per session 

Snake Aversion Training

In Australia, an estimated 60,000 dogs are bitten by snakes every year. From that, about 1000 die from venomous bites. In WA, Brown snakes and Dugites are responsible for most fatal bites. 
This session involves training dogs to show avoidance when confronted by a snake through taste and smell aversion. No shocks!


Duration: 1 Hour per session
Location: We come to you 
Cost: $200 for 4 Sessions 

Puppy Training Classes 

Training classes to teach new puppies valuable life skills, including but not limited to obedience training, socialisation, lead walking and toileting. 


Duration: 1 Hour per session
Location: We come to you 
Cost: $70 per session


1080 Bait Aversion Training (Non-toxic Fee Feed)

Native species in Western Australia have a high level of tolerance to 1080, but introduced species including feral cats and the red foxes, as well as, domestic dogs are susceptible to the poison. An unfortunate outcome of invasive species control programs (baiting) in Western Australia as well as other states and territories of Australia is the accidental poisoning of domestic dogs. Baits that are used in Western Australia are made to appear and smell appetising, and as a result, these baits often attract non-target species (such as domestic dogs).
This session involves training dogs to show avoidance when coming in contact with 1080 baits through taste aversion. No shocks!


Duration: 1 Hour per session
Location: We come to you 
Cost: $200 for 4 Sessions 


Pre- Puppy Program

Bringing a puppy home for the first time is a very exciting thing. They are adorable, soft, cuddly and so, so, so love-able. But when it's your first time introducing this puppy into your life it can be overwhelming, especially if you do not know what to do, how to train it or make it feel safe in your home. Because of this we have introduced a pre-puppy program; whether you're a first time puppy owner, a family with young and inexperienced children or a person with a disability - this program can help you prepare for the moment you decide to bring a puppy home. 


Duration: 2 Hours per session
Location: We come to you 
Cost: $80 per session


What We Promise


"Very Professional"

4 Paws Remedy consists of very professional and well organised methodology and techniques. We explain the basics of training in a way that is relate-able and interesting at the same time.  

"Great Service"

4 Paws Remedy provides their clients with nothing but excellent service. Our behaviour modification plans are created to help adopted rescue dogs transition smoothly into a new home without stress.  

"Kind & Loving"

4 Paws Remedy has so much compassion for man's best friend. We will genuinely do everything that we can to help adopted rescue dogs settle into their new home. 

They may not speak our language, but through behaviour we understand

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