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Dog Behaviour and Training Blog


Snake Aversion Training, Our Strategy

In Australia, an estimated 60,000 dogs are bitten by snakes every year. From that, about 1000 die from venomous bites. In WA, Brown snakes and Dugites are responsible for most fatal bites.
Robotic Western Australian Brown Snake engineered by 4 Paws Remedy

Because of this we will be introducing Snake Aversion Training. Our program does not put your dogs at risk. We do not use shock or correction techniques and we do not use real venomous snakes. Instead, we have engineered a realistic looking robotic and rubber snake that resembles the appearance of the common venomous Brown Snake found in WA. Our techniques are based on taste and smell aversion. The snake's body is covered in two layers; one consisting of our smell aversion solution and the other consisting of our bitter taste aversion solution. If the dog manages to get past the smell and end up attempting to nip the snake they will succumb to a very bitter taste that should deter them touching it again. This technique has been tested and shown to be effective on most breeds with varying temperament types. Our program consists of 4 sessions, each an hour long. The four sessions are spread out within a period of 6 weeks. We come to your property on Day 1, train your dog. We then return the next day for Day 2 and repeat the process. We then come back in a week's time for Day 3 and then finally we return 4 weeks later to complete the final training session. In this way we are able to test how long your dog is able to remember the training since they had their last session. Additionally, we ensure that we have reinforced the learned aversion behaviour in your dog over a few sessions rather than just one and hoping that they have learned enough to avoid a snake if it happened to slither into the backyard.

For $200 you receive- 4 learned aversion training sessions to train your dog to show aversion towards snakes. - Peace of mind that your dog has learnt a behaviour that could decrease their chances of being bitten by a venomous snake. - Gained life skills and safety precautions learnt by your dog. - Repetitive and positively reinforced training sessions that ensures that your dog has been given sufficient opportunity to learn the aversion behaviour. - Training from the comfort of your own backyard. - A free refresher aversion training session 1 year after completing all 4 training sessions (if required).

Please contact Robyn through email or phone for more information.

You can view the video below of the first time our Robotic Brown Snake came into contact with NoeNoe, a Labrador Cross.

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